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There were 7 questions found for your query:
  1. questionWe already have an internal monitoring system, why would we need your system?
    The Internet is a node/gateway based system. Your internal monitoring may tell you that a device is broken inside your network or even that the outbound gateway is having problems, but it may not ...

  2. questionHow do you determine if a server or website is "up"?
    Our system checks the server response code from your website or server. If there is no response, our system will verify the failure using an alternate monitoring location and send an alert. By ...

  3. questionWhat physical locations do you monitor from?
    We have monitoring locations in the following geographical locations: San Francisco, USA Dallas, USA New York, USA Toronto, Canada London, United Kingdom Fra ...

  4. questionMy failure log shows "No Route to Host", what does this error mean?
    This error means that the TCP packets have no route (path) between our monitoring location and your server or web site. There are many intermediate networks through which TCP packets pass before ...

  5. questionWhat IP's do you use for your monitoring locations?
    The following IP addresses are used by our monitoring locations. If you use a firewall, or need to allow our locations to access your server, please use these IP's. For any failed check, we verif ...

  6. questionI got an alert that my site was down but when I checked it was up?
    The most common cause for such an anomaly would be a network type issue. When you check the failure logs you will likely see errors like "cannot connect", "unable to connect", and similar. So we w ...

  7. questionWhat location codes should I use for the API?
    Code Check Location sf United States, San Francisco da United States, Dallas ny United States, New York to Canada, Toronto ln United Kingdom, London s ...

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