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There were 24 questions found for your query: (Page 2 of 2)     «« | Prev | 1 | 2 | Next | »»
  1. questionMy failure log shows "Unable to Connect", what does this error mean?
    This is a generic error which indicates that our monitoring system could not reach your web site or server. The specific reason for the failure could not be determined.

  2. questionI got an alert that my site was down but when I checked it was up?
    The most common cause for such an anomaly would be a network type issue. When you check the failure logs you will likely see errors like "cannot connect", "unable to connect", and similar. So we w ...

  3. questionDoes SiteUptime offer a webhook feature?
    Yes. Visit our Webhook page for more information on using this feature.

  4. questionHow is the average response time measured?
    The Average Response Time (per day for example) is an average of the individual response times measured during that day. So each time we check your web site (or URL) we record the time it takes ...

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