web page monitor

Why Every Site Needs a Web Page Monitor for Content

Website Monitoring

Some of the biggest SEO mistakes involve a website’s content. Not only does it need to be high-quality, it needs frequent updating and to be effectively tracked. A web page monitor is the best way to keep a close eye on these critical elements.

If you’re running a business and rely on your web presence to bring in new customers, search engine optimization needs to be a top priority. The number of key elements required for good SEO can make this a daunting task.

Using web monitoring services has become commonplace for webmasters wanting to stay on top of their site’s performance.

If you’re still asking yourself what exactly a web page monitor does and why they are so important, you’re in luck. Let’s look at several ways they work to help you manage content.

Fresh Content Is a Must

A website is an ever-evolving thing. At least, it needs to be in order for search engines to pay any attention to it. Every time a website gets updated, it not only increases interaction with visitors to the site, it changes the way a webpage gets ranked.

When you frequently add quality content in the form of new web pages or blog articles, search engines will come to the site in order to index it. Each time the search engine “robots” see that relevant content has been added to your site, you have a better chance of a higher ranking. For example, this pet crate company website includes blog articles that will help drive relevant traffic to the site.

This means that keeping track of site content will quickly become a big challenge. A website monitoring service will act as a running inventory for all this fresh content.

Let’s look at some specifics of what it will do.

  • Provide a content roadmap
  • Track duplicate content
  • Identify ownership of different content
  • Help remove out-of-date content

Doing all of these things manually could quickly turn into a huge headache. Plus, if you ever plan on migrating to a content management system, the information tracked by a site monitor would be a great resource.

Weeding out Redundant Content

Once a site starts building up a healthy content catalog, there is a higher chance of redundant information. Pinpointing content that needs to be removed or edited is a primary advantage of a good content inventory.

Knowing where and when redundant information has occurred allows you to quickly fix the problem by determining what needs to stay and what needs to go. This is great because you now have the chance for more content updates for search engines to index.

A good inventory provided by a web page monitor is especially important if your site has a blog with multiple contributors. Constantly updated content is good, but it can get out of control without a tracking system.

Having the ability to regularly run new inventories will keep you on top of any duplicate information on your site so it stays as relevant as possible.

Tracking Keywords

Good keyword placement is undoubtedly one of the major factors in a website’s ranking. Putting new content out there provides the opportunity to optimize for success with relevant keywords that will attract the right visitors.

Google Analytics has stopped revealing referral data related to keywords. But by organizing your content and keyword placement you can make sure you’re getting found for the right search queries. This also allows you to deduce which keyword phrases are bringing visitors to your site.

This can be extremely difficult and time-consuming to do yourself, especially if you’re adding lots of new content. This is where a site monitor can work wonders.

A web page monitor can help by tracking the keywords to provide you with data that will show what’s working and what’s not. It will let you know which keyword phrases are bringing people to the site.

This information will help you properly spread different keyword phrases throughout blog articles and web pages.

Link Management

Link building is another crucial SEO component related to content. Search engines analyze links in order to rank a website’s popularity and determine if it’s a trusted site or spam. All these factors play into a website’s ranking.

Establishing a good link structure takes a lot of time. Once these links are in place and start aging, they can become difficult to keep track of.

Over time, you will likely run into the issue of broken links. This is harmful to your SEO rankings, so you’ll need to get a handle on them. A web page monitor will help by finding these broken links so they can get removed or fixed.

Quality backlinks to your site are also necessary for getting higher rankings. It’s important to always remain on the lookout for backlink opportunities.

But not just any backlink will help your site. In fact, untrusted backlinks could actually hurt your SEO.

There are also other factors that come into play such as anchor text and rankings of referring pages. All the sudden managing backlinks may seem overwhelming if you’re doing it yourself.

A web page monitor will help by providing updates on new links to your site, reports on old or broken links and can provide statistics on competitor sites. Some tools even provide information on how to create natural backlink strategies.

This quick analysis will allow you to determine the most valuable backlinks and identify opportunities for new ones.

Control Your Content with a Web Page Monitor

SEO can be a mysterious thing to figure out, but it’s certain that good content is one of the most crucial factors in getting good rankings. But web content can also be deceptive. There are more critical factors involved in successful content than you may think.

Using the service of a good website monitor will save you time in tracking content and gathering information that helps with SEO campaigns. It may be time to ditch your spreadsheet and get better control of your site content.

SiteUptime offers trusted website monitoring services. Contact us today to learn more.