Video Marketing Trends

Taking a Look at the Latest Video Marketing Trends That Exist Today


Promoting your company through video content has been one of the most effective marketing strategies for years now. But with techniques, content, and customer demand always evolving, how do you know whether your videos are hitting the spot?

Keep reading: we are about to unveil some of the best and most exciting video marketing trends to tap into this year. Get ready to wow your viewers while showcasing the best features of your brand.

Capture Your Audience With Live Streaming Videos

Videos are one of the most successful marketing tools, but do you know what makes them even more powerful? Live streaming. Businesses worldwide are jumping on the live-streaming video bandwagon and for good reasons.

By broadcasting a video in real-time, your brand can capture the attention of the audience in a much stronger way, while at the same time being able to engage with it in a compelling fashion.

Empower Shoppers With Interactive Video Ads

Online users are more and more attracted to quick, easy, and secure methods to shop for their favorite items on the web. If you want to expand your potential online customer base, then videos can help. But not just any average video: we are talking about shippable videos.

Never heard of them before? Well, that’s because this is one of the newest trends in 2021. Shoppable videos are interactive ads that you can use on your social media channels.

By simply clicking on the product shown in your ad, users are re-directed to the correct landing page. From there, they can complete the purchase, literally at the touch of a button.

Get Your Message Across With Animated Explainer Videos

Animated videos are another super-popular way to use video in marketing in 2021. With an animated video, you can better explain what your products and services are for, in a fun, creative, yet educational way.

Animated explainer videos might not be for every company, but if your brand is young, dynamic, and laid-back, then they can be a winning strategy.

Communicate Better With Consistent Vlogging

If you think that vlogging is for social media influencers and celebrities only, then you should think again. This year, more and more companies are tapping into the power of video blogging to promote their brand.

Through vlogging, you can interact with your customers in an informal, casual setting, making them feel part of your brand and involving them in exciting behind-the-scenes moments. Remember, though, that just like with blog posts, your vlogs need to be regular and consistent in order to gain the popularity that you want. For more insights on how to enhance your marketing strategies, check out these video advertising tips.

Ready to Unlock the Potential Of These Video Marketing Trends?

If you are considering using videos to boost your brand exposure, attract more customers, and increase sales, then you need to be aware of the latest video marketing trends.

From animated explainers to live streaming and vlogging, the opportunities to make the most of your videos are many.

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